Two of the leading News Media groups launch the Cultural Exchange campaign called 'Aman ki Asha'. In India all the (pseudo) secular people hail the initiative. After all, 1.5 years had passed since the ghastly 26/11, so what the conspirators are roaming free in Pakistan, so what Pakistan hasn't shown the remotest of inclination of catching the perpetrators, let alone punishing them.
You know, the show must go on, appeasement policy of the Indian Government must go on, crores must be spent to ensure a just and fair justice process for the 'Cult Hero' Mohammed Ajmal Kasab. So what he showed least of sympathy while spraying bullets into innocent Indians in Mumbai on that fateful day. IPL snub of Pakistan players is met with strong condemnation by the (pseudo) secular people, media and the bollywood bigwigs.
And if that was not the last straw, Indian Government decides to restart the composite dialogue with Pakistani counterparts. Bravo but hold on. We as people have a right to ask the 'Aman ki Asha' groups, (pseudo) secular people, the hysterical useless media and the Indian Government - what has changed on the other side of the border that we deem it necessary again to restart such confidence building measure??? What has Pakistan done in the intervening period that it gets the lollypop of friendship from our side??? Whose confidence are we building??? Pakistan Government, Pakistani people (who in the first place had nothing to do with all this, who are equally pained and suffering from the same demon) or are we helping the very perpetrators and building their 'confidence' to initiate fire and suffering against Indian people once more!!! Its as if we are urging them 'Once More - Once More'!!!
It fails me. I'm lost, I'm confused, I'm angry, there are many negative emotions running through me. Is it just me or are there many like me staring at hopelessness, staring at hollowness, staring at a black hole!!! I feel people in India have lost the feeling of sensitivity. We have forgotten the value of human blood, we have, sort of, devalued the human life. What are we trying to showcase here??? That we are the big forgiving brother, that we can consume huge losses and still look through our enemies with compassion??? B&^%S%$T, all B&^%S%$T. We are projecting ourselves as stupid, ignorant, insensitive fools who have no self respect as a country. The world will know that even if we are attacked as a country, we would still go to our enemies with folded hands and say 'sorry'. Its as if USA decides to talk to Bin Laden and starts a 'Forgive and Forget' campaign. If it comes to that, will we not laugh at America???
Absolutely disgusting. More so disgusting and disapointing is that none of the media houses takes up the issue as I see.
I think we have lost it, we have lost it in trying to appear the Big and Forgiving!!! Forget and forgive - MY FOOT!!!
Friends, find below Pakistan response to Indian Government initiative for resumption of dialogues:
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